
Hi, my name is Beryl, I am crazy about parrots and here is my story.

Beryl and Sam

Beryl and Sam

My first encounter with an African Grey Parrot came courtesy of my sister-in-law and her Grey called Tickles – he took off from her hand and headed straight for me. All I saw was claws and a beak, little did I know that it was to begin my love affair with all parrots but especially African greys.

After subscribing to Parrots Magazine for a couple of years I was ready to do something special with my favourite birds and so I enrolled on a course which when finished would see me qualified as a parrot behaviour consultant and a very happy owner of Peggy and Ed, two wonderful African Grey parrots.

I re-homed Peggy and Ed when my husband and I ventured to England to settle our youngest son in college but on our return a year later it wasn’t long before Sam became a member of our family. What a special bird, he loved me for a while but then realised he wanted to be my husband’s special friend. This transferring of affections unfortunately does happen from time to time but I wasn’t stressed as I was at home with Sam and Sam’s favourite person only had him in the evenings and at weekends. He will let me carry him around from room to room on a stick but only my husband can handle him. We chat away all day and he comes with me wherever I go. He has a play stand in the kitchen, the bathroom, the lounge and on the verandah so we spend a good deal of time together.

Now I want to help other Grey owners with their birds so am busy setting up an African Grey Parrot Club that will meet monthly and I also do one on one consultations.

Greys are my passion, and my husband and my our Grey are very precious to me. We are a very happy flock!l