Parrots General

Parrots General


I hope that you will accept my apologies for the lack of blogs in July.My mom passed away suddenly and my whole life crashed! It has been difficult to keep focused — my mom was part of my bird family, loved the birds and read many of my books and magazines. She kept up to…

Parrots, fear and fearfullness

Does your parrot have a fear of anything, small children, fear of another animal, fear of a person of someone living in the home that doesnt like him, fear of the dark, fear of new toys ?? If your parrot is living in constant fear, he will probable exhibit behaviors like plucking, or screaming, but…

More about toys!

More about toys! After chatting with a friend, that has the same views as I have about toys, and visiting I was amazed at how many toys are out there that we see every day, but dont put them to use in our parrot world.

Toys toys everywhere !

Apologies, apologies, my mom has been in intensive care and is now at home being nursed, so things have been very hectic and I have not had time to do my usual blogs. This blog we are covering toys which I hope you find interesting!

Step up training.

Because I deal with so many parrots, it is really a pleasure dealing with one that has had step up training, whether it is onto the finger, onto the back of the hand or onto a stick.

Feather problems!

Feather problems you might encounter.. Lots of things can go wrong with feathers.Mostly the problems are trauma related, but canaries can get cysts and and psitticine beak and feather we all know about. Always remember that a good healthy diet, a bath once a week and good living conditions should all promote glossy, healthy feathers.…

Plucking and the causes.

Lets look at a few reasons of feather plucking. I have a plucker at the moment so I am all out to fix it because it really looks horrible! I know that my bird is not bored– eats well — has a good cage — is loved by several people in the house — and…

Calcibird supplement…

Calcibird supplement is a liquid supplement containing Calcium D3 Magnesium All 3 vitamins and minerals, aid the growth of feathers and is used by breeders and parrot owners alike. If you have a plucked bird and are waiting for regrowth — you may want to try this supplement. I certainly am trying it with one…

Colds and flue this winter season

Colds and flue this winter! It is nearly winter and parrot owners often worry about respiratory infections, cold and flue. Hopefully your parrot is on a really good diet of fruit, veg, nuts, cereal, and sprouts. If he is he should sail through the winter season.If your parrot is not on a healthy well balanced…